The Pros and Cons of Staying Friends with an Ex: A Therapist's Perspective

Breaking up is never easy, and navigating the aftermath can be even more challenging. One of the most debated topics in the world of breakups is whether or not it's a good idea to stay friends with an ex. As a therapist who has helped many clients (and friend’s) through the aftermath of a breakup, I've seen both the pros and cons of this approach. Keep in mind that it really depends on the context, personalities, relationship history and how the couple split as to whether it’s a good idea or not. In this post, we'll explore the benefits and drawbacks of staying friends with an ex and provide some tips on how to make the transition after a break-up as smooth as possible.

The Pros of Staying Friends with an Ex

Maintaining a Connection:

Staying friends with an ex can help maintain a connection with someone who has played a significant role in your life. This can be especially important if you have mutual friends, shared interests, or even children together. It can be comforting to know that this person is still in your life in some capacity, and that you’ll still be able to hopefully make some positive memories with each other even as you go your seperate ways romantically.

Easing the Transition:

Breaking up can be a shock to the system, and staying friends with an ex can ease the transition into single life. It can provide a sense of familiarity and stability during a time when everything else feels uncertain.

Learning from the Experience:

Staying friends with an ex can provide an opportunity to reflect on the relationship and learn from the experience. By maintaining a friendship, you can gain insight into what went wrong and what you might do differently in future relationships. If you’re able to have these open and honest conversations down the track, that might mean there’s a certain amount of maturity within both parties.

The Cons of Staying Friends with an Ex

Emotional Baggage: Staying friends with an ex can be emotionally challenging, especially if there are unresolved feelings or hurt. It can be difficult to move on if you are still in close contact with the person who caused you pain and can elongate emotional suffering more than is necessary.

Confusion: Maintaining a friendship with an ex can be confusing, especially if one or both of you still have romantic feelings. This can lead to mixed messages, misunderstandings, and hurt feelings that might further impact you or further ingrain any feelings of resentment.

Hindering Future Relationships: Staying friends with an ex can hinder future relationships if your new partner feels uncomfortable with the close connection you have with your ex. It can be challenging to balance these relationships and can create tension and conflict. Not everyone feels comfortable with the ghosts of ex’s past still floating around, and you’ll likely need to have some honest conversations with new partner’s about you and your ex’s history.

Tips for Staying Friends with an Ex

If you decide to stay friends with an ex, here are some tips to help make the transition as smooth as possible:

  1. Take Time Apart: It's important to take some time apart after a breakup to process your feelings and emotions. This can help you gain perspective and clarity on what you want moving forward.

  2. Set Boundaries: Setting clear boundaries is key to staying friends with an ex. This can include things like not discussing your romantic lives, not spending too much time together, and avoiding physical intimacy.

  3. Be Honest: Honesty is always the best policy, especially when it comes to staying friends with an ex. Be upfront about your feelings and intentions to avoid confusion and misunderstandings.

  4. Respect Each Other: It's important to respect each other's boundaries and feelings, even if they differ from your own. This can help maintain a healthy and respectful friendship.

In conclusion, staying friends with an ex can be a tricky and emotional journey. While there are certainly benefits to maintaining a connection, there are also drawbacks that should be considered. Ultimately, it's up to you to decide what's best for your emotional well-being and future relationships. By setting clear boundaries, taking time apart, and being honest and respectful, you can make the transition as smooth as possible.

Note: This article does not apply to those who have suffered any form of abuse or domestic violence at the hands of a former partner. Please seek appropriate support from a registered counsellor, psychologist or specialist DV service if this has been your experience.


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